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Dienstag, 17. September 2013, 19:54

Candoia bibroni australis

Hello all,

After reciving pictures of various Candoia ( you know who you are wich got me hooked ), i finally took the plunge last year and got some for my self. In Houten last year i picked up 2.2 of these beuties,

I am really fallen for them, and there will most likely be added more Candoia to the collection :D . I have taken a few shots of them wich i think turned out pretty good.



Same as above, giving me the evil eyes :D


I have a male wich reseble the female above, but he was not in the mood for photos.


Kind regards



Dienstag, 17. September 2013, 20:08

Good Job Peter!!!!
Candoias are very special. Either you like them or you don´t like them.
I love them!!!
Great snakes :love:
Is the last one from Attila?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ReNe81« (17. September 2013, 20:33)


Mittwoch, 18. September 2013, 00:06

Really cool critters Peter and please do not take it as an offense, but are you keeping all of you animals in these tubs? I just ask because that species is known to be arboreal as well...
Viele Grüße,


Mittwoch, 18. September 2013, 21:42


I love them!!!
Great snakes :love:
Is the last one from Attila?

I know you do ;)

To be honest then i am not sure, if they are from him. Will have to look into it.


Really cool critters Peter and please do not take it as an offense, but are you keeping all of you animals in these tubs? I just ask because that species is known to be arboreal as well...

None offense taken, true they are aboreal. And yes they are in boxes, wich most of my snakes are. Have done it this way for years with good results. Should they at some point not be thriving then i will have to do somthing about it.


Kind regards Peter



Beiträge: 1 708

Wohnort: Köln/Bonn

Beruf: Student

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Sonntag, 22. September 2013, 16:06

Hi Peter,

nice looking animals, especially the last one is a stunner!

When i first saw the "australis" i was totally shocked by their size. All Candoia have been ever be very small to me till this day.

Kind regards, Patrick


Montag, 23. September 2013, 23:17


Hi Peter,

nice looking animals, especially the last one is a stunner!

When i first saw the "australis" i was totally shocked by their size. All Candoia have been ever be very small to me till this day.

Kind regards, Patrick

Thanks Patrick,

The Black and White female is my favourite :) althoug they are all beutifull. I havent seen that many Candoia sow dont have a lot to compare with.

Kind regards



Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013, 10:25

sher schönes tiere 8)

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